term 1 livestream

term 1 livestream

from A$91.00

Hi! Please ensure that you have obtained and read the Term 1 info pack from me before enrolling :) If you haven’t, please email me at zara@kwanstudio.com.au and I will send it to you!

Term 1 starts on 6 January, however some classes don’t commence until 30 Jan/1 Feb. I will leave this booking page up until early Feb, as sometimes people find me late and still want to enrol. You will just need to do ‘make up’ classes if you have missed the first few classes. More details on ‘make up classes’ are in my info pack.

Once you put your booking through, you will receive an automated email from my website confirming your purchase. I will also personally email you to confirm that I have received your enrolment before term starts and to send you the zoom link.

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